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Efforts in Education


"Flagstaff, as a STEM City, should be a model for the state in excellent education, thriving economy, and engaged community. Perhaps one day we can also call ourselves 'America's First Education City.'"

- Dave Engelthaler, NALA Chair

As a team of business leaders dependent upon a well-educated emerging workforce, NALA is committed to supporting the Flagstaff STEM City initative in its efforts to promote education in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Learn more

"We continue to strongly support Arizona's College and Career Readiness Standards because these internationally benchmarked K-12 standards are critical to helping our students prepare for an evermore STEM-based world, both in higher educatin and the future workforce." - Dave Engelthaler, Chair


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FUSD Override - Passed

NALA recently urged voters to to vote YES for the Flagstaff Unified School District Override in the Fall 2014 elections. The measure passed, which means that a preexisting tax will continue to enable FUSD to maintain all-day kindergarten, smaller class sizes, reading and math interventions, arts and other essential programs. Thank you for helping to invest in our students and our community. 

Along with our state-wide partners, Greater Phoenix Leadership and Southern Arizona Leadership Council, Northern Arizona Leadership Alliance agreed to sponsor Science Foundation Arizona in its initial seven years in its efforts to develop a strong research-based science and technology infrastructure in Arizona. 

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