John Stigmon
President/CEO, Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona

John Stigmon, as a 16 year Flagstaff resident and business owner, is currently President and CEO of the Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA). He was a member of the staff at the City of Flagstaff for 3 years last serving as Economic Development Manager.
During the past 35 years, John has been active in almost every facet of business, marketing and real estate development. As an entrepreneur, he co-founded the first American Indian owned franchise company, and later established a specialty executive coaching and consulting practice advising in business start-up, business expansion and organizational development. As a corporate executive, he has lead the marketing, operations, expansion and development in the US and in 16 foreign countries, for a variety of US companies.
In 2000, he sold the hospitality company he co-founded and moved to Flagstaff with his wife and two children in order to live in close knit community.
Until entering the economic development world, John had been active in his executive coaching business, local real estate and business brokerage. He has been an adviser to the Center for American Indian Economic Development at Northern Arizona University, the former Vice Chairperson of the Board of Directors for the Hopi Tribe Economic Development Corporation.
He currently serves as a board member of Quality Connections and is the Vice Chair of the Flagstaff Planning & Zoning Commission.
"I love contributing to the economic development process and bringing my 35 years of experience to the Flagstaff region.”